Friday, December 14, 2012

Personal Ascension Through Conscious Creation

Ascension is the process through which a being raises in vibration on a given plane. On Earth, we are often born into maya, illusion and dream. From this point, we may ascend into higher awareness. Ascension is an individual and universal process. Planes, like Earth, ascend to a higher vibration through the conscious decision to change. And this is largely how an individual ascends; through conscious choice, in each moment. A being in the moment is presented with many choices and the ability to exert free will.

When moving through the day, an individual can decide to stay in the vibrations they are used to and comfortable with or to make a conscious effort to move upward in vibration. In each moment, there is the possibility to ascend; through conscious creation.

It’s about the small things that come up in the moment and the choice of direction we choose to take, whether it be through our thoughts and feelings or through our actions - shall I do this or do that. We all know what each choice will bring to us vibrationally as we have learned from making a similar choice before and also intuitively. Often the we may choose to ignore that knowing, but the choice to acknowledges that knowing is there still.

Should I follow my impulse to smoke and buy a pack of cigarettes or not?
Should I help clean the dishes or let someone else do it?
Should I express my frustration to a loved one over something trivial or just let it go, and create harmony instead?
Should I turn on the TV or sit in silence?Should I focus my energy on love or fear?Should I hold onto stress or surrender to the divine?

With each moment that passes comes impulses from the mind and body and it is up to us to decide what we do with them. There is nothing wrong with one choice or another. But we have a choice and we have free will. It can be enjoyable to relish in the comforts of old and it can be freeing to choose a new path. Just bringing awareness to the fact that you are making a choice can be a great tool in becoming a conscious creator as one is taking ownership over the choice and the action. In doing so, change can happen with much less resistance.

In the end, we are all one with the divine, no matter what goes on in our lives. However I bring this subject up to bring awareness to the free will aspect of our beings and the ability to consciously create and manifest our experience. Often there is an attitude of helplessness expressed and to this I say; one can do what one can do. In each moment, there is choice and each choice leads to the next experience, so at least one can take responsibility for this process. By recognizing our choice, we have the ability to consciously create our personal ascension.