Monday, September 24, 2012

The Shadow Journey

On this plane, many of us will experience duality to varying degrees. The negative charge and the positive charge both pulling at our beings throughout our experiences. It can be easy to mentally dismiss the negative when trying to find the positive within the moment, which is a good aspiration. However, sometimes it is necessary to deal with the negative charge in order to grow and continue to move forward in the positive.

When negativity is pulling at our beings, it is of great value to examine these trappings. The pull to gravitate to the negative charge can be very strong at times and gone ignored, it will run our lives into a downward spiral of negative thoughts and experiences. The best way to proceed in these times or circumstances is not to run away from the negativity, but to engage it head on.

The more we ignore the negative thoughts and values; the more the shadows loom behind us begging for our awareness. The more the negativity grows and accumulates, the more it manifests into experiences that can even become quite dangerous. The reason for this is because our higher selves wish for us to bring our awareness to the negativity and to shed the light of our own awareness on it. Fear of dealing with these things is what drives us away from looking at them. And very soon comes a time when we need to face these fears head on.

As soon as we peer into the darkness, we can see things for what they truly are and the negativity starts to become resolved in our beings and can no longer pull on us. It takes courage to look where we have been afraid to in the past, but this kind of courage does not go unrewarded.

As we face our fears and engage our negativity directly, we can become whole again. No longer displaced by fear, we can move forward more easily into the positive vibration. Next time negativity rears its ugly head in your experience, instead of seeing it as something to be avoided, simply see it as the divine placing something in your path that you are required to examine without fear or shame.

All experience is part of growing and becoming whole in our consciousnesses, not just the positivity but the negativity as well. If we experience negativity, it has been placed there for a reason. The sooner we deal with it; the sooner we will be back into the positive experience. For it is a lesson learned and not a lesson that we have shied from.

Admittedly, it is not my favorite thing to discuss negativity, but I see it as something that should not be shied from as it comes up in the moment.

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